Keiji Mutoh and The Cobra vs. Shiro Koshinaka and Shunji Kosugi
on October 25th, 1985 Event: New Japan Pro Wrestling JIP with Koshinaka and Mutoh in the ring. Reverse chinlock by Koshinaka and he tags in Kosugi. Kosugi clubs Mutoh in the back, snapmare, and he applies a reverse chinlock. Mutoh struggles to his feet, he goes for an Irish whip but Kosugi won't let go of his head. Mutoh finally gets out of it with a backdrop suplex and he tags in Cobra. Cobra picks up Kosugi, Irish whip, and Cobra hits a back bodydrop. Cover by Cobra but Kosugi kicks out. Reverse chinlock by Cobra and he clubs Kosugi in the back. Snapmare by Cobra and he tags in Mutoh. Double Irish whip by Kosugi and he is hit with a double elbow strike. Mutoh picks up Kosugi and hits a scoop slam. Elbow drop by Mutoh, cover, but it gets a two count. Mutoh grabs Kosugi's arm and takes Kosugi to the mat. Irish whip by Kosugi but Mutoh shoulderblocks him down. Mutoh goes off the ropes but Mutoh cartwheels out of the way of the monkey flip attempt. Side headlock takedown by Mutoh and he tags in Cobra. Cobra comes in the ring with a top rope elbow strike, scoop slam by Cobra and he delivers an elbow drop. Cobra applies a stretch hold to Kosugi but Kosugi reverses it and tags in Koshinaka. Irish whip by Koshinaka and he delivers a dropkick. Koshinaka picks up Cobra and hits a neckbreaker, cover, but Cobra kicks out. Hammerlock by Cobra to Koshinaka and he applies a stretch hold before tagging in Mutoh. Kicks to the ribs by Mutoh, Irish whip, and he hits a back bodydrop to Koshinaka. Koshinaka avoids the legdrop however, he throws Mutoh in the corner and tags in Kosugi. Kosugi and Koshinaka stomp on Mutoh, and Kosugi chops Mutoh in the chest. Headbutts by Kosugi, he picks up Mutoh and hits a backbreaker. Cover, but it gets a two count. Kosugi goes for the cross armbreaker but Mutoh blocks it and applies a stretch hold. Kosugi pushes Mutoh into the corner, he picks up Mutoh and Koshinaka comes off the top turnbuckle with a diving kneedrop. Kosugi picks up Mutoh for Koshinaka and this time Koshinaka hits a diving headbutt. Koshinaka picks up Mutoh, Irish whip, and he kicks Mutoh in the ribs. Snapmare by Koshinaka and he applies a reverse chinlock. Headscissors by Koshinaka but Mutoh rolls to the ropes to force a break. Knee drop by Koshinaka and Kosugi shoulder tackles Mutoh from the apron. Kosugi is tagged in, Irish whip by Kosugi and he punches Mutoh in the stomach. Suplex by Kosugi and he applies a single leg crab hold, but Cobra comes in the ring to break it up. Irish whip by Mutoh to Kosugi and he delivers a dropkick. Mutoh tags in Cobra, and Cobra comes in the ring with a diving lariat. Cobra applies the Scorpion Deathlock but Koshinaka breaks it up by kicking Cobra in the face. Cover by Kosugi but Koshinaka gets a foot on the ropes. Kosugi tags in Koshinaka, Irish whip by Koshinaka and he delivers a hip attack. Running bulldog by Koshinaka, cover, but Mutoh breaks it up. Koshinaka picks up Cobra and nails a piledriver, cover, but again Mutoh breaks it up. Koshinaka tags in Kosugi, double Irish whip by Cobra and they deliver a double elbow strike. Irish whip by Kosugi but Cobra avoids the dropkick attempt. Vertical suplex by Cobra and he tags in Mutoh. Double Irish whip to Kosugi by Mutoh and Cobra and they hit a double dropkick. Kosugi tags in Koshinaka while Mutoh stays in as the legal man, and Mutoh delivers the Space Rolling Elbow to Koshinaka. Vertical suplex by Mutoh, cover, but Koshinaka kicks out. Mutoh picks up Koshinaka, backbreaker in front of the corner, he goes up top but Koshinaka is up and pulls Mutoh back to the mat. Koshinaka then goes up top, but Mutoh joins him and hits a superplex. Cover, but it gets a two count. Mutoh picks up Koshinaka, Irish whip, but Koshinaka blocks the hiptoss and applies a backslide for a two count. German suplex hold by Koshinaka, but it only gets a two count. Koshinaka tags in Kosugi, and he hits a lariat on Cobra as Cobra comes into the ring. Cobra falls out of the ring, Koshinaka goes up to the top turnbuckle and dives out onto him. Back in the ring, Kosugi picks up Mutoh and nails the Oklahoma Stampede. Kosugi picks up Mutoh and drops him with a powerbomb, cover, but Mutoh kicks out. Kosugi tags in Koshinaka, Koshinaka holds Mutoh for Kosugi, but Mutoh moves and Kosugi accidentally dropkicks Koshinaka. This gives Mutoh time to tag in Cobra, and Cobra knocks down Koshinaka with a back kick. Irish whip by Cobra, and he delivers a back bodydrop. Dropkick by Cobra, Koshinaka falls out of the ring and Cobra dives out onto Koshinaka with a crazy tope suicida. Cobra gets back in the ring and brings in Koshinaka with a vertical suplex, cover, but it gets a two count. Cobra hits a gutbuster, but Kosugi comes in the ring to knock back Cobra. Koshinaka tags in Kosugi, Irish whip by Kosugi to Cobra but Cobra sneaks in a cradle for the three count! Your winners: Keiji Mutoh and The Cobra Match Thoughts: The beginning was pretty basic but it picked up some by the end. Not a lot of Mutoh as Cobra was the man here, with that insane tope suicida that he does that looks reckless but generally finds its mark. I wouldn't say in general it was a very crisp match, but nothing overly offensive. "Solid," but nothing that will rock your world. Score: 5.5 |